IFA letter to Senate Chair Streidter in response to his post-strike pay and guidance letter of January 14

Dear Chair Striedter,

We write as members of the Board of the Irvine Faculty Association to express our strong concern at the content of your January 14th email to Senate faculty regarding strike-related pay, guidance and implementation, as well as the letter attached from Assistant Vice Chancellor, Marianne Liu Beckett, outlining the administration’s attempt to obtain attestations from employees as to anytime they missed or took off because of strike activities.

Specifically, we are concerned that your immediate response to UCOP’s  plan to ask or require faculty to self-report on strike activities was not to point out that as Senate faculty are not unionized, there is no procedure in place through collective bargaining to assess how much time we are being paid for and no basis for us to make a determination as to what percentage of our work time was taken off. Moreover, given that most Senate faculty actually did more work to cover the work not done by striking TAs and/or researchers–including after the contract was signed and grades had to be submitted–any attempt to reclaim wages is both legally and ethically dubious.

In this regard, we find it troubling that you would simply report that “deans, assistant deans and chief personnel officers will have additional information as they work with the Academic Personnel Office to implement this process.” We ask you to consider that it is the process itself which is deeply flawed and should be challenged by the Senate on behalf of the faculty, as well as on the behalf of our non-ladder faculty colleagues.

To this end, we hope that when the “guidance” comes down about how faculty and other personnel are supposed to report their activities in order to have pay deducted, you will act as advocates for faculty, whom you represent, and not administration/ management. We ask that you respond to the guidelines in a manner that defends the interests of Senate and non-Senate faculty and staff, the extra work that everyone had to do during the strike, and the need to ensure that all about rights and prerogatives are protected going forward.

We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible and before the administration attempts to impose attestation procedure, how the Senate will act on behalf of its members and the UCI community more broadly.

The IFA Board
On behalf of the Irvine Faculty Association

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Faculty support requested by UAW: Contact your legislator

UAW 2865 President Rafael Jaime asked CUCFA to circulate this message of thanks to faculty for their support and solidarity. At this crucial phase of the strike and in the face of UC’s intransigence, he is asking us to call our elected representatives to get them to use their influence to intervene in the crisis UC has created. He supplied a draft script for the call that would end by asking those representatives to call our Chancellors to urge them to do everything possible to ensure a quick resolution through a fair contract.


Dear Faculty,

On behalf of 48,000 striking academic workers, I want to thank you for your support. The solidarity you have shown—on the picket lines, at rallies, and beyond—has been so meaningful.

As the fall term draws to a close, our strike is reaching a crucial phase. UC’s negotiators have entrenched themselves in the untenable position that it is acceptable for the country’s premier research and teaching institute to pay poverty wages. They would sooner sacrifice the education of over 200,000 undergraduates than pay a dignified wage to the workers who carry out the institution’s core mission.

In light of their intransigence, we are asking for your support again, in mobilizing our state government to intervene in the crisis UC is creating.

Please call your elected representatives and use this script to encourage them to use their influence to help win a fair contract for workers. You can find contact information for your legislators via this tool.

In solidarity, Rafael Jaime
President, UAW 2865


My name is XX and I am a Professor at the University of California [Campus]. I am calling to ask for your intervention to end the ongoing strike at UC.

Graduate workers deserve a dignified wage. Their work is essential to UC, and we cannot guarantee high quality of research and instruction without them.

[Tell a story of why you support graduate workers, or of how the strike has affected your ability to teach]

Please, call Chancellor XX [look yours up from the table below] and urge her/him to do everything in her/his power to ensure a fair agreement is reached expediently.

Chancellors’ Contact Information
Campus Chancellor Email Phone
Berkeley Carol Christ chancellor@berkeley.edu (510) 642-7464
Davis Gary May chancellor@ucdavis.edu 530-752-2065
Irvine Howard Gilman chancellor@uci.edu 949-824-9506
Los Angeles Gene Block chancellor@ucla.edu. (310) 825-2151
Merced Juan Sanchez Munoz chancellormunoz@ucmerced.edu (209) 228-4417
Riverside Kim Wilcox chancellor@ucr.edu (951) 827-5201
San Diego Pradeep Khosla chancellor@ucsd.edu (858) 534-3135
San Francisco Samuel Hawgood hawgoods@ucsf.edu 415-476-6582
Santa Barbara Henry Yang henry.yang@ucsb.edu (805) 893-2231
Santa Cruz Cynthia Larive chancellor@ucsc.edu 831-459-4291
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Response to message from Provost and EVP of Academic Affairs Michael Brown

Dear Colleagues,

On Thursday, December 1, Senate faculty received a potentially misleading email from the President’s Office of the University of California, titled “Regarding Faculty Rights and Responsibilities,” and signed by Provost and Executive Vice President of Academic Affairs Michael Brown.

This communication fails to distinguish between being on strike and declining to pick up struck labor. It is the case that the university may dock pay for any faculty on strike, although it is unclear precisely how they would enforce that policy. Faculty pay can only be docked for the period during which they choose to strike, not for the duration of the multi-unit strike itself. While a partial strike by faculty can be unprotected, it is unclear what mechanism of reporting or tracking the University is using to determine whether faculty are continuing to engage in non-instructional labor, such as their own research. Similarly, it is also not apparent what mechanism of reporting would be used to discipline those they believed have violated the Faculty Code of Conduct by engaging in the unprotected activity of a partial strike if they had continued non-instructional labor whether for university service or their own research.

The vast majority of faculty have not been on strike; they have continued to teach their classes and to support the strike in other ways. However, UC is now asking Senate faculty to take up the struck labor of their ASEs on strike. Struck labor would include returning grades for classes with ASEs where ASEs are responsible for grading and/or grade submission. Refusing to do this additional labor, for no further compensation, does not represent being on strike. Refusing to pick up the struck labor of ASE grading is not the same as a sympathy strike, and so the issue of “all or nothing,” or “whole” or “partial” striking is irrelevant. Faculty have the HEERA-protected right not to take up this struck labor if they choose not to do so. And their pay cannot be docked for not picking up struck labor. If you choose not to pick up the struck labor of ASE grading, please register that here in this anonymous tally.

Senate faculty are being told that if they do not pick up the struck work of ASE grading some undergraduate students will be harmed. We share the concern for students that depend on their grades to access financial aid, to earn scholarships, and who need their grades for other reasons. However, it is the university’s responsibility to make contingency plans that ensure these students are not impacted by the strike, and some campuses have already communicated to undergraduates that such plans are in place. They have the capacity, as they did during the pandemic, to be flexible about grades and deadlines.

We urge all Senate faculty to support the multi-unit strike by graduate students, postdocs and student researchers. Low paid work and uncompetitive wages damage the capacity of the university to deliver world class teaching and research. You have HEERA protected legal rights to go on strike, and yet it is critical not to confuse that with your right to refuse to take up the additional struck labor of grading.

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Faculty Associations’ letter to President Drake about Senate Faculty Support of UAW-2865, UAW-5810, and SRU-UAW

November 11, 2022

President Michael V. Drake
Office of the President
University of California
1111 Franklin St., 12th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607

Delivered via Email to: president@ucop.edu

Dear President Drake,

We are again writing to you as the leadership of the Council of UC Faculty Associations, CUCFA, the systemwide organization of Senate faculty. Last year we created a Pledge of Solidarity with our Lecturer Colleagues as they threatened a strike over UC’s unfair labor practices. Now that UAW 2865, UAW 5810, and SRU-UAW have signaled their intent to strike over UC’s unfair labor practices, we wanted to alert you that over 900 Senate faculty from across UC’s campuses (see the list here) have joined our call for the University of California to cease its unlawful behavior, resume good faith negotiations, and settle fair contracts with the unions.

We support fair wages and working conditions for all academic workers and hope a strike can be avoided. If not, we have pledged to support our fellow academic workers, including but not limited to respecting the picket line. This is a testament to the power of solidarity that Senate faculty have been building with our fellow academic workers in recognition that everyone’s working and living conditions must be improved to create the UC to which we all aspire.

We ask that you direct your staff to resume negotiations and engage in good faith bargaining. If you fail to settle this contract, you will be responsible for disrupting campus operations. We fight because our colleagues deserve better, and our students deserve a high-quality education at an institution that does not treat its workers as disposable.


Constance Penley, CUCFA President, Professor of Film and Media Studies UC Santa Barbara
Wendy Matsumura, CUCFA Vice President, Associate Professor of History UC San Diego
For the CUCFA Executive Board

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Union Letter Urges Critical COVID Protections for Workers

August 30, 2022

Dr. Michael V Drake, President and UC Regents
University of California Office of the President

University of California 1111 Franklin St., 12th Floor

Oakland, CA 94607

Re: UCUC Urge Critical COVID Protections for Workers

Dear President Drake and UC Regents:

As you know, the University of California EPSL is set to expire September 30, 2022. The Union Coalition urges UC to act quickly to extend and expand critical protections to its workers. Specifically, the members of the UC Union Coalition urge you to provide an additional 128 hours of COVID-19 paid administrative leave for UC employees; extend leave programs through at least the end of 2023; ensure leave hours are provided to all new hires; and enhance the Cal OSHA Emergency Standard that continues an employee’s income when they are excluded from work for COVID-related reasons.

The pandemic has been with us for over two years and many workers have exhausted the previously provided COVID-19 leave. The UC COVID leave programs have proven invaluable and remain important tools in maintaining stability and controlling the negative impacts of COVID-19. Safety measures remain necessary to maintain the safety of health care workers, patients, campus staff and students in order to mitigate the negative impact of the virus, including ensuring that sick workers are not vectors for spreading the virus at work. Therefore, UC workers still have an urgent need to have access to paid leave for coronavirus-related reasons.





Teamsters 2010


UAW 2865

UAW 5810


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Report from the 2022 National AAUP Convention

Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA, of which IFA is the UC Irvine chapter) President Constance Penley attended the historic National AAUP convention on June 16-18 in Arlington, VA, as the CUCFA delegate, which meant that she had an opportunity to vote on the proposed alliance between the AAUP and the AFT (AFL-CIO) and to fill six open AAUP Council seats. Read her report from the Convention at the CUCFA website.

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We support the UC Ethnic Studies Faculty Council-authored requirement

Below is a letter from Constance Penley, on behalf of the Council of UC Faculty Associations, to Professor Madeleine Sorapure, Chair of the UC Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools, in support of the UC Ethnic Studies Faculty Council-authored UC A-G Ethnic Studies requirement.

June 6, 2022

Madeleine Sorapure, Chair
UC Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools
Via email.

Dear Chair Sorapure,

The Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) supports the UC Ethnic Studies Faculty Council-authored UC A-G ethnic studies requirement (a subject requirement for admission to the UC system). We share their concern about a disturbing, recent development that suggests political interference in the faculty right to develop curriculum. We believe that recent abrupt shifts in course content betray student demands for an A-G ethnic studies requirement and potentially reflect irregularities in the process.

CUCFA joins nearly 1,300 faculty, administrators, and students who have signed a statement of support for the UC A-G ethnic studies course criteria that the UC Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS)-appointed ethnic studies specialists crafted and BOARS initially approved. The list of signatories includes the National Association for Multicultural Education, the California Alliance of Researchers for Equity in Education, chapters of the Association of Raza Educators, a range of UC departments, and the 19,000-strong UAW 2865 graduate student union. It reads as a roster of major ethnic studies scholars throughout the state and beyond. It speaks volumes about the support for ethnic studies both inside and outside the UC system.

The following is a brief timeline of the issue compiled by the UC Ethnic Studies Faculty Council:

  • In October 2021, Assembly Bill 101 was signed in California, requiring that ethnic studies be offered in high school by the 2025-26 school year and become a graduation requirement by 2030. In November 2020, in response to advocacy from the UC Student Assembly, which represents 285,000 students, the UC Academic Senate and UC Board of Regents approved a resolution expanding the A-G admissions requirements to include a one-semester ethnic studies course. The UC Board of Admissions and Relations with Schools (BOARS) then convened a workgroup of twenty ethnic studies specialists to articulate the course criteria.
  • On May 12, 2022, BOARS chair Madeleine Sorapure notified the UC-appointed members of the writing team (a subset of the larger workgroup) that developed, drafted, and revised the course criteria for the UC A-G ethnic studies requirement that the UC would instead be taking a “broader approach to include diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice courses.” The fact that BOARS blocked the members of the writing team from taking part in the May 6, 2022 BOARS meeting meant that no expert in ethnic studies was present at a consequential discussion that resulted in this reckless reversal of course.

Disturbingly, at that May 6 meeting, despite having previously approved the draft criteria, BOARS decided to allow racist and reactionary external pressure—including letters and petitions against ethnic studies—to inform their deliberative process. This abrupt shift from ethnic studies-specific course criteria to “DEI/social justice” is unconscionable since BOARS had unanimously approved an explicitly ethnic studies A-G requirement in late 2020. This new watered-down focus on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) courses betrays student demands for a UC A-G ethnic studies requirement. It fails to align with California’s mandated ethnic studies high school requirement. Anti-ethnic studies organizations have boasted to the media that they were “successful in stalling the ethnic studies requirement” through interference in the deliberative process.

Although a UC A-G ethnic studies requirement will advance UC’s diversity, equity, and inclusion goals, “DEI” is a corporate buzzword that is aimed, in top-down fashion, at managing diversity in institutional settings. It is not, nor has it ever been, a curriculum. Unlike ethnic studies as a field that emerged from grassroots struggles to democratize education for Native peoples and communities of color who have long been sidelined in traditional curricula, DEI does not center their lived experiences, epistemologies, and struggles within and against systems of colonialism and racism. It is not backed by research like ethnic studies, which has been empirically shown to improve all students’ academic achievement and social relations. Simply put, DEI is not a field of study.

Like other A-G requirements, the UC ethnic studies requirement–and course criteria–must be driven by scholars, teacher-practitioners, and experts within the field. In this sensitive juncture in which it appears that the A-G ethnic studies requirement itself is being reconsidered, the  Council of UC Faculty Associations joins the UC Ethnic Studies Faculty Council in asking that you take whatever measures you can to ensure that any campus-level and BOARS deliberations around the UC A-G ethnic studies requirement include at least one ethnic studies specialist from at least half of each of our UC campuses. We ask this out of concern for ensuring that the process by which this important academic requirement is developed proceeds in an open and equitable manner.

We also call on you as chair of BOARS, to ensure that, in keeping with the terms of their appointment, the members of the A-G ethnic studies workgroup be allowed to help formulate any policy proposal on ethnic studies. It is troubling that they have repeatedly been blocked from participating in discussions they were charged with contributing to as content-area experts.

We ask that you support the integrity of ethnic studies as a field now over a half-century old by requiring coursework for incoming students that is consonant with that discipline as it is for all others.


Constance Penley, CUCFA President and Professor of Film and Media Studies, UC Santa Barbara
On behalf of the Council of UC Faculty Associations

cc: BOARS Analyst Kenneth Freer
UC Systemwide Senate Chair Robert Horwitz
UC Provost Michael Brown
UC President Michael Drake
The UC Regents

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IFA and CUCFA solidarity pledge with UC Lecturers and Strike

Dear UC Irvine Senate Faculty Colleagues,

For the first time in over 20 years and after 2 years of negotiations, our lecturer colleagues across the UC system, represented by UC-AFT, have voted with an overwhelming majority of 96% to authorize a strike. As Senate faculty, we stand in solidarity with them as they fight to strengthen job stability, improve wages and benefits, and ensure fair compensation and workload that reflects their training, experience, and contributions to the UC. Our lecturer colleagues’ precarious working conditions are our students’ learning conditions, so when we stand with the lecturers we are defending the quality of public education at the University of California.

IFA has joined with the other Faculty Associations across the UC system—under our umbrella organization, the Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA)—to develop a UC Senate Faculty Pledge to Stand in Solidarity with UC Lecturers. The Pledge lists different ways to support the lecturers and provides links to more information, including an FAQ. Click here to learn more and to sign the Pledge.


With appreciation and in solidarity,


IFA Executive Board


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Our Letter to UC about the Potential for Censorship of Faculty by Private Technology Providers

September 24, 2020

President Michael V. Drake
Office of the President
University of California
1111 Franklin St., 12th Floor
Oakland, CA 94607

Delivered via Email to: president@ucop.edu

Dear President Drake,

As members of the Board of the Council of UC Faculty Associations, we write with the utmost urgency regarding the cancellation of an approved remote/streaming panel at San Francisco State University yesterday, September 23, by Zoom, and the subsequent cancellation of the same event by Facebook Live and cut-off in mid-stream by YouTube. Continue reading

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Letter from Irvine Faculty Association regarding campus police reform – 8/7/20

The IFA Board sent the following letter to Chancellor Gillman in response to his August 6 email to the UCI community regarding policing and race at UCI.

Dear Chancellor Gillman,

We write as board members of the Irvine Faculty Association, part of the Council of UC Faculty Associations, in response to your August 6th email to the UCI community regarding racism and policing, Continue reading

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