Post-strike grading update

As you are likely aware, in the next few days faculty will receive attestation forms to document any strike-related withholding of labor they engaged in during the recent TA and postdoctoral researcher strike. The Council of UC Faculty Associations (CUCFA) is presently consulting with relevant counsel to determine the legality of such a demand and what options faculty have to respond or not. Until we obtain legal guidance we suggest you do not fill out or submit this form. It is our opinion that given the fact that we are not operating under any collective bargaining agreement regulating such activity, and as important, given that the university has not acknowledged or offered to compensate ladder faculty for the amount of extra work performed during the strike, such a requirement is at the very least ethically dubious.

Linked here is a letter we sent to the Chair of the UCI Academic Senate stating this fact and asking the Senate to act to protect the interests of its members and the wider UCI community rather than simply as an uncritical conduit for UCOP and campus administration demands.

We will be in touch as soon as we have formal guidance as to the proper way to respond. In the meantime, we hope you will share this information with your colleagues and ask them to consider joining the IFA so that we can represent the UCI faculty in the broadest possible way.


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