Online Registration for the IFA, with the option of joining the AAUP

Current UC Irvine senate faculty can join the Irvine Faculty Association (IFA) by filling out the form below. The option to join the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) is also available on this form.

Online Registration for the IFA, with the option of joining the AAUP
The UCPath Employee ID Number can be found either on your pay statement, or below your name when you log into your UCPath employee portal.
FA dues are currently $15.00 for Assistant Professors, $25.00 for Associate Professors, and $30.00 per month for Full Professors. Join AAUP as a supplement to your IFA membership: $13.34/month for Assistant Professors, $21.34/month for Associate Professors, and $23.92/month for full Professors.
For the purpose of payroll deduction, this email must be a address.

By clicking the “Enroll” button and submitting this form, I declare myself a member of the Irvine Faculty Association. I authorize the UC to deduct dues in a manner and amount consistent with the Faculty Association’s Constitution and By-laws. If I have added the option of joining the AAUP, I authorize UC to deduct dues at the AAUP rate each month for the amount indicated. I understand that the dues amount may change if authorized pursuant to the IFA Constitution and By-laws or the AAUP’s constitution. If this happens, I authorize UC to adjust my payment when notified by the Irvine Faculty Association. I agree this authorization remains in effect until terminated in writing by me.